1 | COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics | A | August or December |
2 | VISAPP: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications | C | September |
4 | AAAI: Artificial Intelligence | A* | September |
5 | AISTATS: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | A | October |
6 | ICMLC: International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics | C | October |
7 | WACV: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision | A | October |
8 | AIPR: Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition | C | October |
9 | SDM: SIAM Data Mining | A | October |
10 | ICLR: International Conference Of Learning Representations | A | November |
11 | IJCNN: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | A | November |
12 | ESANN: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning | B | November |
13 | CVPR: Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition | A* | November |
14 | MLDM: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition | C | January |
15 | NAACL: North American Association for Computational Linguistics | A | January |
16 | IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | A* | February |
17 | ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning | A* | February |
18 | KDD: Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining | A* | February |
19 | COLT: Conference on Learning Theory | A* | February |
20 | ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision | A | March |
21 | ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision | A* | March |
22 | ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics | A* | March |
23 | UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence | A* | March |
24 | ECML-PKDD: European Conference on Machine Learning | A | April |
25 | ICONIP: Neural Information Processing Systems | A | April |
26 | ICPR: Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition | B | April |
27 | NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems | A* | May |
28 | CIKM: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | A | May |
29 | ICDM: International Conference on Data Mining | C | June |
30 | ICMLA: IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications | C | July |
31 | EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | A | June |
32 | MASC: Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium (Vision & Language are different venues and dates) | | April |
33 | LREC: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (every 2 years) | C | September (of prior year) |